Finding the Ways of Acadia

Instead of a journal entry about my spring 2016 residency at Acadia National Park in Maine, I made a video. Many thanks to the Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park for sponsoring me and to Maneesh de Moor for permission to use his lovely music.

Finding the Ways of Acadia

Jordan Pond Reflected by Rock Lichen

Jordan Pond Reflected by Lichen

Silk painting, 8 x 10 inches, Donated to Schoodic Institute of Acadia National Park

Lichen growing on the rocky shore of Jordan Pond reflect colored facets of the granite ledges lying below the surface on this clear and windless day.

Clear Spring Shore, Acadia National Park

Clear Spring Shore

Silk painting, 8 x 10 inches, Donation to Schoodic Institute of Acadia National Park

One of a series of silk paintings donated to the Schoodic Institute to fund scholarships for middle school students attending the SEA program of Acadia National Park