To Glacier National Park With Gratitude
Bear Free and Huckleberry Full at Glacier National Park

Keeping Wildlife Wild

Moose Two Medicine Glacier

Many of us visit national parks to see wildlife. However, our proximity to these fascinating animals can habituate them to us and eventually put them at peril of being put down when they start to seek us out. We want them to think of us as yucky humans to be avoided, yet we want to see them too. Such a quandary! Yet, as good stewards we keep them safe from us, keep them wild.

We secure our food in cars and bear-proof cabinets.  We stay 200 yards from bears (when they are not attacking) and 25 yards from mountain goats, deer and big-horned sheep. One morning I saw a female moose swimming across Two-Medicine Lake in East Glacier through my telephoto lens.  Believe me - it's still good.